JOG the Web: JOGging into Ashland County


It’s that time again: back-to-school season! We are very excited to get this school year underway, meet our new JOG students, as well as get back into class with our existing enrollees. This school year we are excited to be able to bring the Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) program to Ashland County!

Our services in Ashland County are taking place both in school, in conjunction with Ashland City Schools, as well as out of school in partnership with Ashland County’s Department of Job and Family Services. These programs are designed in the same way that has made JOG to successful since our founding in 1987. By being able to teach our program—including the different facets of the JAG model—to the young people in Ashland County, we hope to usher in a new generation of the workforce that has a strong work ethic and excitement for their job. We are also happy to welcome new team members Jason Radcliffe, who is our in-school Career Specialist, and Ricky Mitchell, who is our out-of-school specialist, to the team to usher in our first full school year in the county. These individuals are very excited for what this school year will bring!

JOG is proud to be adding Ashland County to our reach to help young people all across Northeast Ohio. As Chris Canova, Executive Director here at JOG, explained, “We have served thousands of young people to overcome barriers to graduation and positively transition them into employment and post-secondary training opportunities through the efforts of our Career Specialists, and we are excited to bring these opportunities to Ashland County.”

With the creation of new connections with local businesses to become possible internship providers, “Like A BOSS” presenters, and much more, we are excited to kick our new Ashland location into high gear through new, fruitful partnerships. These partnerships will not just benefit our students but the businesses as well. By being able to connect local businesses with work-ready youth, our goal is to usher in a wave of young people excited to apply what they have learned through JOG to the workplace.

Our Ashland location is inside Ashland County Department of Job and Family Services, 15 W. Fourth St., Ashland, OH 44805. If you or someone you know is interested in enrolling in our Ashland County program, please reach out to Terri Peterman at


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