JOG the Web: 6-for-6 Performance Outcomes


At Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG), we talk a lot about how to get our youth on academic and career paths to success. But how exactly do we measure these? In order to prove that we are getting the work done, we apply the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) model of the 6-for-6 performance outcomes.

These outcomes consist of theses six measurements: graduation rate, connectivity rate, employment rate, full-time positive outcome rate, full-time employment rate, and further education rate. These outcomes range across all facets of what we aim to achieve at JOG, both educationally and professionally. We have exceeded these outcomes for the past 28 years! The graduation rate looks at the rate our students graduate and receive their High School Diploma, GED, or High School Equivalency (HSE).

The newest outcome we follow is our connectivity rate, which measures if we are able to get in contact with and stay in contact with our students. This can be a challenge for JOG staff as our students may not have a stable place to live, internet access for email, or a consistent phone number. However, we keep trying, through all means of communication, to keep in contact with our students.

The full-time positive outcomes rate shows that our students are putting in full-time hours toward their success. Even though students may not be working full-time, they may also be in school as well and these hours would add up to around a full-time job.

The full-time employment rate is exactly that, the number of students employed full-time. We want to lead students toward being able to get and hold a full-time job, hopefully in a path they want to continue in.

Finally, the further education rate is the percentage of students we have that are going into some kind of continued education. This could be a trade school, a specialized program, or even college.

We are proud to provide these services to the youth of every county we are in. Through these performance outcomes, we hope to build up the future of our workforce right here in Northeast Ohio.


Staff Interview: Abbey Blake


JOG the Web: JOGging into Ashland County