JOG the Web: Ways to Engage


Help Local Youth Achieve Their Career Goals with JOG!

As Spring Break ends for many of our schools we are going into the homestretch for this school year. Before the end of the school year, JOG’s mission is to work with our students to ensure they have absorbed the career preparation lessons we teach and are ready to enter another year of soft skill training. For our students who have been though the program for a little while, we work to place them into a career-position, whether it be a job, a job shadow, an internship, or a summer job. We are always looking for more employers to engage with our students to build up tomorrow’s workforce. Here are a few ways you can engage with JOG to do exactly that!

Subsidized Employer Partner – The subsidized program is something unique to JOG employers. We offer the ability for employers to employ our participants without having to pay for the participant’s wages. This is covered by JOG. Every student has a limited number of hours they can work in this program. This is a win-win because it helps participants see if the industry is a right fit for them while employer’s take a limited-to-zero financial risk.

Summer Work Employer – A subsidized program that JOG runs at the end of a school year is our summer work program. The summer program provides hands-on vocational training to students through employment opportunities over the summer while school is out. We do this by establishing pathways that align with the students’ identified career goals, ranging from manufacturing to business and everything in between. Not all employers are year-round partners, and that’s okay! We need employers to help over the summer just as much as we do year-round.

Unsubsidized Employer Partner – This program is a typical employment situation where participants report to work within their availability to perform their work duties while within the participant’s desired pathway. The pay is provided through the employer and the duties are that of a paid-internship or entry-level employee. This program allows students to gain hands-on experience in how the real-world works while gaining valuable experience in their future careers.

Like a Boss Sessions – The Like a Boss program is a way for employers to share their stories with our participants through their own real-life experiences. These online video-call sessions help students decide if they are interested in following in the footsteps of other professionals in their prospective industry. These sessions also allow students to engage with employers who may have gone through similar situations with advice on how to make their “first career steps”.

Jobs Shadows & Internships – Job Shadows and Internships allow students who may be interested in a field that requires advanced education to gain experience before graduation. This helps the employers by having more hands-on deck for additional help and it helps the participant by engaging in the field without having to have their diploma/degree in-hand.

Additional Ways– Of course, if you are unable to become a JOG employer, you can support in other ways! We are always looking for people who would like to speak at our in -person events or help out as a judge/volunteer. Also, by following or liking a JOG social media account we are able to expand our reach to more parts of Ohio. Every like counts and we would love to have yours!

 We hope one of these opportunities jumps out at you for how you can become more involved in the JOG program! To get started today as a JOG employer partner, please click the button below. We will talk to you soon!


JOG the Web: Alumni Engagement


Student Success Story: Rainbow