JOG the Web: Surpassing Our Goals


2023 has been an outstanding year for us here at JOG. We have been able to expand our services to provide work readiness programs and soft skill training to even more students in an expanded list of schools we are in. We cannot do this without the generous help of our Career Specialists. They help us drive our mission and exceed the standards for programming set by Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG). Here is a little more on our 2023 outcomes and how our work this year helped our numbers soar.

93% Graduated High School

This is the rate of students who have gone through the JOG program and have successfully completed their high school education. This is achieved through either an in-school High School diploma, out-of-school diploma, or our GED program. (JAG Standard 90%)

99% Connectivity Rate

This is the newest outcome we follow. This measures if we are able to get in contact with and stay in contact with our students. This can be a challenge for JOG staff as our students may not have a stable place to live, internet access for email, or a consistent phone number. (JAG Standard 91.5%)

77% Employment Rate

This is the rate of how many of our students are currently employed through our network of Employer Partners. (JAG Standard 60%)

77% Full-Time Positive Outcome Rate

This is the percentage of our participants who experienced positive outcomes meaning they are in a positive work, post-secondary and/or Military placement upon program exit. (JAG Standard 75%)

84% Full-Time Employment Rate

This is the rate of how many of our students are currently employed full-time through our network of Employer Partners. (JAG Standard 60%)

56% Further Education Rate

This is the rate that our students further their education. This could be in a college through a diploma, degree, or certification, or through a post-secondary program. (JAG Standard 35%)

As you can see, we passed every standard set, and we aren’t done yet. Our goal is to pass this bar every year the same way we have for the past 27 years. We are so proud of the work our wonderful Career Specialists have done to get us here. It is their plans, goals, and passion that has brought us to this point! Thank you to all our employer partners, supporters, and community allies for helping us connect youth with workforce readiness and career guidance.


Staff Interview: Lauren Eaken


JOG the Web: Year End @ JOG