Student Success Stories: Alyssia




Here at Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) our mission is to help youth with multiple barriers to success complete their education and successfully transition to employment at a livable wage or post-secondary job training. A good example of one of our Career Specialists helping one of our students overcome significant hurdles is in the case of Alyssia. One way that Career Specialists like Heidi help students feel heard and cared for is through our trauma informed approach to make sure all participants feel heard, engaged and confident to complete requirements for their High School education or securing employment.

Alyssia first came to us at JOG through our Summer Youth Employment Program when she was 15.  According to Heidi, “She was quiet and kept mostly to herself, so some days I’d sit with her at lunch and talk with her.” Coming from a background of hardship at home, she was able to confide in Heidi through the school year in her school’s JOG program. Heidi explained, “I got to know her even better during the year and she would talk about her home life, feelings of depression and sadness, and a lot of anxiety about figuring out what to do after high school graduation.”

Alyssia decided to go to her local Career Center to see if she could figure out what she wanted to do after High School. While here, Alyssia seemed to become more confident and outgoing, telling Heidi all about what she is learning and thinking of doing next. Her grades improved and she began talking about all of the possibilities after high school with excitement she didn’t initially have. This opportunity helped her figure out that she is interested in digital technology.

After she had graduated, Alyssia decided to re-enter the Summer Youth Employment Program and she started working for a job focused on technology and entrepreneurship. She immediately fell in love with it. She explained the position with a smile on her face and couldn’t have been happier. Now, she is a full-time employee at that same company she fell in love with. She has expressed wanting to stay and grow alongside the company.

Alyssia has worked very hard since coming to us, making strides both educationally and professionally. We are so proud of the strides that she has made from when they started with us to where they are now. We at JOG are very excited to see where Alyssia goes from here and to see her future successes.

To read more about the JAG Model approach to working with students to find success, please check out the JOG website here.


Partner Showcase: TimkenSteel


Staff Interview: Jessica Porter