Staff Interview: Matt Turner




Hard work is one of the driving factors in what push Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) staff to do their best for our participants. Matt Turner is a great example of exactly that. Matt has been a key part of our operations in Trumbull County since he joined JOG in July of 2020, his first job in his field out of college. He explained, “Starting a new job during the COVID-19 pandemic was a crazy time. It was like we had to learn the job one way, and, when COVID-19 began to wind down, we had to learn a whole new way.” He said his experience was unique in that he worked with all of his participants virtually for roughly a year.

When asked about how he began his career, Matt explained, “When I was going to Youngstown State University, I worked in the reading and studies skills department at my school. [While there,] I worked as a teacher’s aide, essentially, to one of the professors. Fast forward to when I graduated, my plan was to go into teaching, but, when COVID-19 happened, it put the plans that I so carefully made on hold.”

Matt’s career at JOG is actually because of his work experience during college. “That same professor I worked for at YSU ended up coming to work at JOG. She told me all about the JOG program and how my [career aspirations] would fit what a Career Specialist does.” Matt laughed, “When I originally applied, the position was in Summit County, but, before I was offered the position, a [Specialist position] much closer to home opened up in Trumbull County. Though I was hesitant at first because of my initial plans, I think I made the right decision.”

Being able to help your peers succeed is not something everyone is able to do in their work, but Matt has that opportunity every day. “Working as an out-of-school Career Specialist, a lot of my clients are my age,” he explained. “I like that I am able to relate to them in that regard. When they come in, I want to know what they need and how I can help.” When elaborating on how he helps directly, Matt said, “I try to focus on resume building and ways to achieve the first steps to career success so they can make an immediate impact.”

Working as one of our out-of-school Career Specialists, Matt runs into plenty of young people who have issues with self-doubt. When things don’t end up going according to plan or they don’t end up like they intended, Matt gives the advice he needed himself, “not make too many concrete plans; always be open-minded. Opportunities always have a second chance, and JOG is a great way to achieve that second chance.”

Matt is a great example of how our Career Specialists connect with their participants, each in unique and effective ways, to make sure they can achieve their goals with the support of the JOG program.


Student Success Stories: Maggie


JOG the Web: Career Development Conference (CDC) & Career Expo