Student Success Stories: Jaiden




Here at Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) our goal is to work hard to help students overcome hurdles to success. Whether that be from external circumstances, issues staying engaged in class, or even just being around the wrong environment. As part of the JAG model, we approach our participants with a trauma informed approach to make sure all participants feel heard, engaged and confident to complete requirements for their High School education or securing employment. One student that has overcome significant hurdles to success is Jaiden.

Jaiden came to us during their Sophomore year with a history of challenges that they wanted to overcome. These external struggles made it so they had difficulty staying engaged, both in class and at work. Sometimes these challenges resulted in having strong reactions. They wanted to be able to feel more engaged to work well in their work, both now and in future opportunities.

They have worked very hard since coming to us. Jaiden has been engaged in all aspects of the JOG program, especially anything having to do with leadership. They have taken a keen interest in leadership development and workplace competencies. They describe their experience best by saying “I have been able to find my center.” Through experiences they have been able to have through JOG, they have been more engaged in classroom activities, with teachers, and coworkers!

Through working with the JOG program, Jaiden has been able to see workplace connections between their love of art with career paths. With a better understanding of how to stay centered, they have been able to dedicate more time to their love of artistic creativity. Most recently, they have been applying to schools to major in art and/or graphic design, as well as started their own online art commission-based company!

We are so proud of the strides that Jaiden has made from when they started with us to where they are now. We at JOG are very excited to see where Jaiden goes from here and to see their future successes.

To read more about the JAG Model approach to working with students to find success, please check out the JOG website here.


JOG the Web: JOG FAQ’s


Staff Interview: Heidi Phillips