JOG the Web: Specialist Special Events


The Board at the 2023 Buchtel CLC Self-Love Day

Group photo of students with Specialists Trashawn Anderson and Carolyn French



It takes specials individuals to help students feel like they have what it takes to succeed in life. Whether that is a deeper discussion about goals and how to achieve them or keeping priorities in check, Career Specialists at Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) work hard to make sure their kids feel seen, heard, and ready to take on life’s greatest challenges.

One example of these days was the Self-Love Day at Buchtel Community Learning Center hosted on February 16, 2023. The event centered around how to ultimately put your needs first. When students entered the room, they were greeted with the question “What is self-love?” The students answered in a variety of different ways, ranging from “affirmations of encouragement” to “meditation.” When asked about how they accomplish self-love, Elijah, a student at Buchtel CLC, responded, “You need to put your self-love time first.” On top of the board, students were given the opportunity to fill out heart-shaped valentines, including words of self-care. Brandi, a student at Buchtel CLC wrote, “I promise to speak life into myself and also speak life into others. I will stay true to myself and my morals.”

It’s critical to meet students where they are at and when they’re available, which often means holding events during lunch periods, including food (either meals or snacks), and providing all needed materials for an activity. Accompanying the board and heart messages was an assortment of food, including Doritos, chicken, jo-jos, drinks, Valentine’s Day candy, and cookies they could decorate with sprinkles and frosting. Throughout the three different lunch periods, students came in and were able to unwind, eat, and enjoy time with friends while talking about self-care.

The JOG staff tries hard to make sure no participant feels left out, knowing that having a place for students to be themselves is incredibly important. JOG staff have created a variety of other special events across all four of our counties, with students’ experiences always being the foremost thought.

Outside of specific events, our staff also works hard to make engaging activities and lesson plans through the JOG program. Focusing on topics ranging from career development to finding yourself, career specialists at JOG love helping their students recognize their worth. Though “special events” may seem outside conventional teachings, they could not be more essential to improving the lives of our students.


Student Success Stories: Breanna


Staff Interview: Mike McKinney