JOG the Web: Full-Time Employment Programs


At Tri-County Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG), we strive to help today’s Northeast Ohio youth achieve academic success, but we also help get our JOG students into full-time jobs in career paths that interest them. We do this through internal efforts to connect youth with opportunity and the generosity of our community partners. In our 2023 6-for-6 performance outcomes,  74% of of JOG students were employed, 84% were employed full-time and 75% had a positive full-time employment outcome. Here’s how we do it.

A key part of finding successful employment for our students is matching job opportunities with the career pathways of our students. These pathways are self-designated goals our students express to their Career Specialists that say the industry that the student wants to go into, such as aerospace, culinary, manufacturing, or computer science. This ensures that the students are going into careers that they are excited by and want to pursue after JOG.

Our Employer and Community Engagement team works hard to identify potential businesses in our communities to provide work experiences for our students to try out their pathways. This team gets out into the community and engages with local businesses to bring them in as a JOG employer partner. These businesses can be mom-and-pop shops or as large as Old Navy. This team has brought in a large variety of employers to work within all our pathways that provide job opportunities throughout the year and for seasonal employment in the summer.

Our comprehensive summer work program brings in some of our year-round employers as well as businesses in the community that are looking for extra help and connects them with students for the summer. This program helps our students “test out” a career field before they dive into it to see if they truly like it. Some students who go through the summer work program are even asked to stay on as a permanent employee after showing their dedication and hard work to the employer.

We truly would not be able to do what we do without our community partners. They help our students with career connections now and for their future growth. If you or someone you know sound like someone who would love to help our JOG students achieve their first step into the workplace call us at 330.374.9445 or email to get started today!


Staff Interview: Tiffany Mealy


JOG the Web: The Fun of Working For JOG!